Convert 8700 kilojoules to Calories calculator

  8700 | kilojoules to Calories | Calories to kilojoules

Convert 8700 kilojoules to Calories
(8700 kj to Cal)

kilojoules (kj):

Calories (Cal): 2,079.35

Also available Calories to kilojoules
. kilojoules to Calories.

You're not average so why use the average daily kJ intake. Work out your daily kJ intake using your weight, age, height and sex using the BMI/BMR calculator.


Convert 8700 kilojoules to Calories (kj to Cal) instructions

The 8700 kilojoules to Calories page defaults the kilojoules entered to 8700 and provides the result in Calories. You can use this page in the same way as the main page, but on this page the default of 8700 is provided.

Why 8700?

Because 8700kJ is the average daily energy intake. But the question is, the average for who?

When I went to find out more about the 8700 figure and how it was determined, I could not find an answer. It appears that perhaps someone, somewhere, simply gave us a figure and that's the figure often used. The figure doesn't even differentiate an average for males and females. Just one figure. We're all different heights, weights, sex and age, so above I have provided a link to a BMI/BMR calculator where you can determine a daily energy intake for you. The 8700 is just a guide. Does it help? Most likely. At least it gives us a focus. A better figure is one that takes your characteristics and provides information tailored for you.

The primary purpose of the 8700 kilojoules to Calories page is to provide the answer to a commonly asked question. What is 8700 kilojoules in Calories?


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The Convert kilojoules to Calories (kj to cal) calculator comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Convert kilojoules to Calories (kj to cal) calculator is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


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